





但是问题来了,比如我想要搜索数组中的数据,比如搜索所有flags含有popforum_recommend_topics 的行,需要怎么写sql呢


select * from p_portal_article where popforum_recommend_topics = ANY (flags)


Upgrade from Yii 2.0.13

  • Constants IPV6_ADDRESS_LENGTH, IPV4_ADDRESS_LENGTH were moved from yii\validators\IpValidator to yii\helpers\IpHelper. If your application relies on these constants, make sure to update your code to follow the changes.

  • yii\base\Security::compareString() is now throwing yii\base\InvalidArgumentException in case non-strings are compared.

  • yii\db\ExpressionInterface has been introduced to represent a wider range of SQL expressions. In case you check forinstanceof yii\db\Expression in your code, you might consider changing that to checking for the interface and use the newly introduced methods to retrieve the expression content.

  • Added JSON support for PostgreSQL and MySQL as well as Arrays support for PostgreSQL in ActiveRecord layer. In case you already implemented such support yourself, please switch to Yii implementation.

    In case this change makes the upgrade process to Yii 2.0.14 too hard in your project, you can switch off the described behaviorThen you can take your time to change your code and then re-enable arrays or JSON support.

    • For MySQL JSON and PgSQL JSON & JSONB columns Active Record will return decoded JSON (that can be either array or scalar) after data population and expects arrays or scalars to be assigned for further saving them into a database.

    • For PgSQL Array columns Active Record will return yii\db\ArrayExpression object that acts as an array (it implements ArrayAccess, Traversable and Countable interfaces) and expects array or yii\db\ArrayExpression to be assigned for further saving it into the database.

  • yii\db\PdoValue class has been introduced to replace a special syntax that was used to declare PDO parameter type when binding parameters to an SQL command, for example: ['value', \PDO::PARAM_STR]. You should use new PdoValue('value', \PDO::PARAM_STR) instead. Old syntax will be removed in Yii 2.1.

  • yii\db\QueryBuilder::conditionBuilders property and method-based condition builders are no longer used. Class-based conditions and builders are introduced instead to provide more flexibility, extensibility and space to customization. In case you rely on that property or override any of default condition builders, follow the special guide articleto update your code.

  • Protected method yii\db\ActiveQueryTrait::createModels() does not apply indexes as defined in indexBy property anymore.
    In case you override default ActiveQuery implementation and relied on that behavior, call yii\db\Query::populate()method instead to index query results according to the indexBy parameter.

  • Log targets (like yii\log\EmailTarget) are now throwing yii\log\LogRuntimeException in case log can not be properly exported.

  • You can start preparing your application for Yii 2.1 by doing the following:

    • Replace ::className() calls with ::class (if you’re running PHP 5.5+).

    • Replace usages of yii\base\InvalidParamException with yii\base\InvalidArgumentException.

    • Replace calls to Yii::trace() with Yii::debug().

    • Remove calls to yii\BaseYii::powered().

    • If you are using XCache or Zend data cache, those are going away in 2.1 so you might want to start looking for an alternative.

  • In case you aren't using CSRF cookies (REST APIs etc.) you should turn them off explicitly by setting\yii\web\Request::$enableCsrfCookie to false in your config file.





$model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()



public function actionCreate()
    $model = new Staff();
    $model->status = Staff::STATUS_ACTIVE;
    if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {
        foreach ($model->role as $role) {
            Yii::$app->authDbManager->assign(Yii::$app->authDbManager->getRole($role), $model->id . Yii::$app->user->idParam);
    } else {
        return $this->render('create', [
            'model' => $model,


public function actionUpdate($id)
    $model = $this->findModel($id);

    if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {
        foreach ($model->role as $role) {
            Yii::$app->authManager->assign(Yii::$app->authManager->getRole($role), $model->id . Yii::$app->user->idParam);
    } else {
        return $this->render('update', [
            'model' => $model,



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